Monday, December 5, 2011

Whole Foods

I cried today at Whole Foods.  I didn't mean for it to happen and I wasn't prepared for it.  I had been told that if Levi eats more than 10g of carbs in one sitting, he will need an insulin shot.  I don't want to chase him all day giving shots but he'll probably get sick of cheese/salami pretty soon.  Yes, I know about nuts etc but I thought Whole Foods will have some good low-carb options.  I walked the aisles but there is just so much at that store so I asked for help.  First person, no idea.  She called an "expert" to help me.  He walked me down the chip/pretzel aisle and then said he had no idea if they had anything low carb.  He walked me over to the manager and they said "we sell protein bars".  I said "I have a 2 year old who is diabetic and I'm looking for any possible low card snacks".  He replied "we don't really cater to diabetics".  Umm, I wasn't asking you to cater to me.  "You should just go to Luckys".  Lucky's is our local cheap grocery store.  I don't know why but I just started to cry.  Why should it be so difficult?  Everything is hard.  Tomorrow will be two weeks from our diagnosis day and I feel just as bad as I did then.

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