Sunday, January 15, 2012

Battling the lows

My husband went away this weekend for the first time in a long time.  It's been fairly stressful lately so it was good that at least one of us had a breather.  On Saturday morning I took all three kids to the park with some friends.  We were there about 2 hours and Levi came up and said "food".  He'd been playing pretty hard so I decided to test him.  He was 45!  Normal range for regular kids is 70-120.  Usually Levi is around 150 during the day.  Going this low taught me a lesson.  I wasn't really prepared.  I had 3 hershey kisses with me and 1/2 of his apple from the morning.  I totally forgot that I had a juice box in the car.  I got his sugars up but he went low throughout the day.  It was the first time that my mom babysat.  I had a princess party for my 4 year old.  He went low for her and she panicked.  It's like the blind leading the blind around here.  I checked him at 9:00 pm too after he had been asleep for a few hours.  He was 62 so I gave him juice.  He loved that!  Thankfully his numbers went up and I only checked him at 11 pm and 3 am.  I feel like I have a newborn again. 

On a more positive note, in the last 2 days, there have been 3 times that Levi did not cry when he got his shots.  What a relief!  I hated having to hold him down while he cried.  Nothing tears at your heart like hurting your child.  I HATED IT.  We went out to Japanese food and after we ate, he just stood on his chair and let us give him both shots.  I was so proud of him.  I'm thinking of starting some kind of reward chart for him.  I still worry every moment.  I wake up thinking of diabetes and I go to bed thinking about it.  I hate diabetes. 

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